Natural Capital

Our Environmental Impact

The Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye plays a pioneering role in environmental sustainability. In 2010, the Bank became the first public Bank to establish the TSE EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, as published by the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE). Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye plays an active role in environmental adaptation and combating climate change, which is an integral part of sustainable development. To this end, the Bank cooperates with international organizations and adopts certain standards in this field.

In addition to creating value for its employees and customers, TKYB adopts a Banking approach that is sensitive to environmental issues and acts accordingly. The Bank has joined the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative’s (UNEP FI) “Principles for Responsible Banking” as a founding signatory to raise environmental awareness and expand the Banking sector’s impact on a sustainable future.

TKYB has been regularly reporting to the Climate Change Program of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the world’s largest environmental reporting platform, since 2016. In this process, the Bank achieved a score of B (Management Level) in 2022. This reporting process includes topics such as assessment of risks and opportunities related to climate change, strategic governance, emission metrics, targets, performance, and value chain interactions.

At the same time, as a pioneer of sustainable development, TKYB is the first and only organization in Türkiye to sign the Impact Management Code of Conduct. The Bank’s corporate Banking, project finance, venture capital and private equity activities are managed with greater discipline, transparency, and measurability in line with global impact standards. In 2022, the Bank published Türkiye’s first Impact Report in line with the Impact Principles, making transparent its approach to creating positive environmental and social impact, its impact management systems and processes.

The following principles are aimed with the Environmental Management System.

All activities are carried out with the aim of reducing resource use and waste generation without affecting service quality.

The Bank focuses on creating positive environmental impact and awareness within the framework of its services and activities.

It is aimed to minimize harmful effects on human health and the environment.

Efforts are made to ensure the continuity and continuous improvement of the system.

Support is given to environmentally sensitive work and all kinds of voluntary activities.

It is aimed to have an internationally recognized management system that meets the requirements of TS-EN-ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard.

And this report was independently assurance audited. The Bank conducts ecological footprint measurements in various areas, particularly energy and water consumption, to reduce its environmental impact and use resources efficiently. While performing its service and management functions, the Bank strictly adheres to the principles of total quality management to ensure customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. It certifies its activities in line with these principles and aims to continuously improve.

2022 Intra-Bank Environmental Impact Parameter Amount
Total Water Consumption (m³) 3.758
Water Density (m³/personnel) 12,40
Electricity Consumption (kWh) 1.434.521
Electricity Density (kWh/m²) 102,19
Natural Gas Consumption (m³) 95.147
Natural Gas Density (m³/m²) 6,78

The Bank regularly monitors energy, water and paper consumption, air emissions, waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions and aims to reduce its ecological footprint resulting from operational activities. The Bank aims to continuously improve its environmental impact by carrying out performance improvement activities.

The Bank’s primary objective is to ensure full compliance with environmental laws and regulations. The fact that no penalties were imposed as a result of non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations during the reporting periods shows the importance given to commitments and environment-oriented policies.

At the same time, as part of its commitment to the Supplier Code of Conduct, the Bank does not cooperate with suppliers that do not comply with these principles. Suppliers are expected not to engage in behaviors that are inconsistent with the Bank’s Environmental and Social Policy, Sustainability Principles and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policy.