Risk Management

Implementing a comprehensive risk management strategy enables Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye to defend itself against potential risks and threats within the context of the sectors in which it operates and the transactions it conducts. The risk management procedures and mechanisms determined by the Bank ensure that risks are identified and prioritized, thereby minimizing strategic divergences and ensuring the continuity of operations.

Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye’s risk management process consists of three fundamental steps: identifying risks, measuring and monitoring risks, and managing these risks within the limits set by the Board of Directors in accordance with national and international legal regulations.

The risk reports prepared by the Risk Management Department at regular intervals are designed to meet legal requirements and the specific needs of the Bank. These reports play an important role in identifying, measuring, monitoring, and assessing risks, which are critical components of risk management.

The risk management process is built on three main mechanisms: the Risk Management Department, Risk Committees, and risk areas that are either implemented or planned. These mechanisms enhance the Bank’s capacity to manage risks and successfully realize its operational goals.

Risk Management Department

The Risk Management Department of Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye continuously monitors the current and potential risks that the Bank may face. For this purpose, detailed reports are prepared on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis and shared with the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Bank’s senior management.

The Risk Management Department’s primary responsibilities consist of identifying, measuring, analyzing, monitoring, and reporting the risks faced by the Bank and ensuring that the necessary steps are taken to mitigate controllable and uncontrollable risks.

Within this framework, the Risk Management Department uses internal reports to monitor the Bank’s current and potential risks.

During the daily reporting process, the Bank’s sensitivity to interest and foreign exchange rates is analyzed under various scenarios, daily limits and liquidity crisis indicators are monitored, the duration of the Bank’s securities portfolio is evaluated, and the compliance of the Bank’s placements and accepted letters of guarantee with the Bank’s limits is assessed. Weekly reports include general economic analyses, risk assessments, and limit monitoring tables on liquidity and foreign exchange risks.

The Risk Management Department’s monthly risk analysis report provides a comprehensive analysis of the risks to which the Bank is exposed. The “Risk Limits Monitoring Report” compiled by the Department details the risk limits established for quantified risks and approved by the Board of Directors. The relevant departments, senior management, Asset-Liability Committee, Audit Committee, and Board of Directors receive monthly reports.

The risk reporting set, which includes calculations such as capital adequacy ratio, interest rate standard ratio arising from banking accounts, value at operational risk, and whose format is determined by the BRSA, is prepared by the Risk Management Department and submitted to the BRSA. In addition, in accordance with the “Regulation on Internal Systems and Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process of Banks” published by the BRSA in the Official Gazette No. 29057 dated July 11, 2014, the Bank prepares an Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) Report annually. The 2022 “Türkiye Development and Invesment Bank A.Ş. Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) Report” is planned to be prepared by the Risk Management Department in March 2023, approved by the Board of Directors and submitted to the BRSA.