Financial Capital

Financial capital is an economic resource that can be measured in monetary terms, based on money or activities that entrepreneurs and businesses use to purchase the goods and services they need to produce their products. It is important because it refers to tangible assets that can only be used as cash. It is a term that represents assets that are considered liquid and do not include permanent assets such as buildings and equipment. It is also a traditional term used by banks to describe funds that are used in bulk.

Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye continues its journey with the understanding of a bank committed to Türkiye’s development. With a wide range of services such as project finance, corporate banking, and investment banking, it aims to support the development of our country and provide guidance in sustainable finance. It finances new investments, expansion/modernization investments in line with the needs of companies operating in the manufacturing sector and aims to respond to the financing needs of domestic renewable energy projects.

Through the APEX Banking mechanism, Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye provides resources for thematic investments of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises through commercial banks and other financial institutions such as leasing companies.

Having established trust-based relationships with international financing institutions with its expert staff, Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye continues to stand by its clients for inclusive economic growth.


  • Long-term loan agreements with international financial institutions for use in priority sectors
  • Providing support to industrial enterprises and SMEs in priority development sectors through the Technology and Innovation Fund, Regional Development Fund, TKYB Capital Fund, Development Venture Capital Fund, and Innovative and Advanced Technologies Fund under the TDF
  • Establishing an investment platform within the framework of best practices, with the authority and flexibility granted by law through the Türkiye Development Fund
  • Providing various contributions to regional SMEs and companies, especially those operating outside Istanbul, to create regional employment through the “Regional Support Strategy”
  • In line with its development mission, meeting the financing needs of the real sector and providing financial support for the realization of infrastructure investments
  • Sustainable bond issuance

Priority Issues

  • Financing SMEs
  • Creating Employment
  • Supporting Priority Sectors
  • Supporting Regional Development
  • Financing Renewable Energy
  • Financing Energy Efficiency
  • Supporting Technological Initiatives and Entrepreneurs


  • Investment risk
  • Loan risk
  • Liquidity risk
  • Strategy execution risk
  • Market risk
  • Reputational Risk

Value Creation Model within the Framework of Financial Capital

Inputs Actions
Strong state-sourced capital structure Cooperation with international financing institutions
6.84 billion TL equity Provision and utilization of credit resources
Sources of financing Provision and utilization of project financing resources
World Bank FEC (Formal Employment Creation) Loan
– 316 million EUR
Finding investment projects suitable for the funding source
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Covid-19 Loan
– 300 million USD
Diversification of funding sources and credit products
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Additional Financing
– 100 million USD
Expansion of customer portfolio
World Bank Emergency Firm Support Project (Emergency Firm Support Loan)
– 250 million USD
World Bank Geothermal Loan
– 150 million USD
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) GREEN III Loan
– 170 million USD
Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye Investment Commitment Advance Credit
– 35 billion TL
Themed funds:
- 525 million TL Regional Development Fund
- 475 million TL Technology and Innovation Fund
- 125 million TL Development Participation GDP
- 235 million TL Innovative and Advanced Technologies Participation GDP
- 200 million TL TKYB Capital Fund
Development METU Teknokent GDP
- 4.806.347 USD
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) invests €100 million in TKYB's sustainable Eurobond.
Themed loans suitable for market needs
Outputs Created Values
500 million TL capital increase in 2022 Ensuring new and different product diversity
16.7% Capital Adequacy Standard Ratio Increasing market capitalization
60 billion TL net loan Transparency and reliability
Information security
Utilization of financial resources for their intended purpose
Realization of the organization’s mission