The Integrated Report of Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye for 2022 is the third integrated report to be published.
Covering the period between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022, this report provides a detailed overview of the Bank’s sustainability steps, corporate strategies, management philosophy, performance and the impact of these elements on sustainable development. All data and information in this report have been obtained from the Istanbul operations of the Headquarters of Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye.
The 2022 Integrated Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards and is based on the International Integrated Reporting Framework supported by the Value Reporting Foundation. The report is also a Communication on the Progress of the United Nations Global Compact, of which the Bank is a signatory, and includes the requirements of the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI) Principles for Responsible Banking, of which the Bank became a founding signatory in 2019.
During the preparation of the report, sectoral research, national and global sustainability initiatives, development plans and programs were used as guiding sources. Within the scope of selected environmental performance indicators included in the report; Scope 1, 2, 3 emission amount (tCO₂-eq), GHG emission intensity (tCO₂-eq/average number of employees), electricity consumption (kWh), natural gas consumption (m³), water consumption (m³), paper consumption (kg) and amount of waste sent for recycling (kg), water intensity (m³/employee), electricity intensity (kWh/m²), natural gas intensity (m³/m²); within the scope of social performance indicators; number of employees, proportion of women employees (total, senior and mid-level) and training time per employee, number of employees on maternity leave, number of employees on paternity leave, proportion of employees returning to work after maternity leave, employee turnover rate (%), number of occupational accidents; installed capacity of financed renewable energy projects covered by governance performance indicators (MW), data on financing provided to renewable energy (TL) and annual tCO₂-eq emissions avoided by funded renewable energy projects, TKYB’s share in Türkiye’s renewable energy capacity (%), ratio of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) linked loans to total portfolio (%), performance data such as SDG-linked loan amount, climate and environment-related SDG-linked loan portfolio as a percentage of entire portfolio (%), number of projects with environmental and social risk assessments, ratings of projects with environmental and social risk assessments, sustainability governance, etc. have been independently limited assurance audited and reflected in the report.
Making the Integrated Report accessible to all stakeholders and receiving feedback from stakeholders on the report is among the top priorities of Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye. In this context, the report is presented in a limited edition as part of the Bank’s environmental responsibility.
Questions and comments on the report can be e-mailed to
Unless otherwise stated, the terms “Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye,” “TKYB,” “the Bank,” and “Our Bank” throughout this report refer to Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye
The “tick” symbol in the report indicates that the relevant data has been subject to limited assurance by the Independent Audit Firm