The financial institution has deemed thirteen problems essential. The Bank polled its customers and
other interested parties to gauge sentiment on these matters. The surveys were issued to both internal and
external stakeholders, and they received a total of 100 replies.
In addition to the insights gained from these responses, global and sectoral trends, the Bank’s own strategy
and the views of senior management, the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency’s (BRSA) Sustainable Banking
Strategic Plan, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Risk Report updated annually by the World
Economic Forum (WEF), the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the sector-specific issues that
require prioritization by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) were also taken into consideration.
Based on the insights gained from the above references, the Bank ranked its 13 Material Topics as first,
second, and third priorities.
Top Priority Issues
Climate Change and Environmental Impact
Sustainable Financing
Bank Portfolio and ESG Risk Management
Secondary Priority Issues
Ethics, Human Rights and Anti-Corruption
Customer Satisfaction and Consulting
Employee Development, Health, and Well-being
Competent Human Capital
Investments Based on Social and Environmental Impact
Inclusive Growth and Financial Performance
Tertiary Priority Issues
Corporate Governance and Transparency
Digital Transformation and Innovation
Cyber Security and Data Privacy
Stakeholder Capitalism and Collaborations