Activities of Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye

Thanks to its strong capital structure and strategic partnerships with international financial institutions, TKYB offers a wide range of financing solutions that will add value to the economy of Türkiye and accelerate sustainable development.

In addition to investment banking services, the Bank provides financial advisory, capital markets advisory and M&A advisory services to major projects. These activities aim to contribute to Türkiye’s economic growth targets and accelerate the country’s sustainable development.

TKYB’s main fields of activity and strategic objectives are categorized under three main headings: Development Banking, Investment Banking and Türkiye Development Fund.

Each of these areas offers different approaches and solutions to promote and accelerate economic growth and sustainable development.

Development Banking

The Bank aims to design and offer financial structures and products in line with Türkiye sustainable development goals. In this context, the Bank’s prioritized objectives under development Banking activities can be listed as follows:

  1. Expanding financial instruments for priority areas identified in development strategies that have foreign trade deficits, high import dependency and contribute positively to employment and foreign exchange earnings.

  2. To provide financing opportunities by offering the most appropriate investment Banking services together with loans suitable for the financial structure and cash movements of the projects to support the continuous growth of our country, to stimulate and encourage investments.

  3. Supporting projects that advance sustainable development goals such as adapting to a low-carbon economy, acting against climate change, conscious production, and consumption, ending poverty, and protecting our world.