Human Capital

TKYB Equal Opportunity Policy


Respects human rights. Observes the principle of equality in its relations with its employees, customers, and affiliates.

All Human Resources policies and practices do not discriminate based on language, religion, race, belief, ethnic origin, philosophical belief, social or economic status, age, gender, marital status, political opinion, disability, etc. It attaches importance to ensuring equal opportunities and stands against discrimination.

It does not discriminate in all recruitment, selection, and placement processes, in the stages of measuring and evaluating the performance of employees, in career development and planning, in promotion processes, in training and development programs, in wages and benefits policy and provides equal opportunity based on merit.

Makes its best efforts to fulfill the requirements of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and international conventions to which Türkiye is a party, within the framework of the basic principles of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

It controls and continuously monitors the ratio of women to men and the balance between duties and responsibilities, including senior management positions.

Employees can submit all kinds of suggestions and complaints through the Employee Suggestion and Complaint Line on the internal communication portal. All suggestions and complaints are examined confidentially, and necessary actions are taken.

Supports its employees in the areas of training and professional development through continuous feedback.

Works to ensure that the principles contained in this policy are adopted and implemented by all its affiliates and partners.

Employees can submit their suggestions that they believe will contribute to the Bank’s strategies and practices through the Idea Platform. All suggestions are meticulously evaluated.

Supports employees in the use of maternity leave and unpaid postnatal leave. Provides cash benefits such as maternity benefits without discriminating between men and women.