United Nations Global Compact Climate Ambition Accelerator Program
(UNGC Climate Ambition Accelerator)
The United Nations Global Compact’s Climate Targeted Accelerator is a six-month accelerator program
designed to raise awareness on how companies can incorporate climate change mitigation strategies into their
efforts to grow their economies.
The program aims to accelerate progress on setting science-based emission reduction targets and creating a
roadmap for achieving net zero emissions by 2050. It also sets targets to equip companies with the knowledge
and skills they need.
The program aims to encourage companies of various scales, sectors and regions to take action against climate
change and to make it easier for them to achieve their emissions reduction targets.
Participating companies gain access to global best practices, inter-organizational learning opportunities,
capacity-building sessions and on-demand training through the Global Compact’s Local Networks around the world.
Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye was one of the 19 companies that were part of this program in 2021 and remains an active participant in 2022.
As part of these efforts, the Bank has developed a number of innovative solutions to support the transition to a sustainable economy and implement strategies to combat climate change.