Impact Management Working Principles

United Nations Global Compact Young SDG Innovators Program (UNGC Young SDG Innovators)

The United Nations Global Compact’s Young SDG Innovators Program (UNGC Young SDG Innovators) enables companies to recognize young talent within their organizations and accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovation. This accelerator program’s time period is ten months, and it encourages future business leaders to realize their companies’ sustainability goals by creating innovative solutions with new technologies, businesses and business models.

The program provides an opportunity to solve real sustainability challenges and incorporate SDGs into an organization’s business strategy through collaboration, innovation and knowledge exchange.

By participating in this prestigious program in 2021, Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye demonstrated its commitment to developing projects and solutions to contribute to the SDGs.

In 2021, the Bank was one of the 20 companies that entered the United Nations Global Compact Young SDG Innovators Program.

In 2022, the Bank maintained its position by taking an active role in the program and enhanced its innovation activities to achieve the SDG targets. Throughout this process, the Bank developed a number of innovative projects and solutions to support sustainable development goals.