Supplier Code of Conduct
Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye is a party to the United Nations Global Compact and strictly
adheres to its principles. The Bank has a deep respect for human rights and adheres to both the United Nations
Declaration of Human Rights and the Core Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The Bank
aims not only to implement these principles in its internal processes but also to encourage its suppliers to
comply with these rules.
The Supplier Code of Conduct established by Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye sets out the obligations
of all suppliers and sub-suppliers regarding social, environmental, and ethical practices. These principles
ensure that all suppliers act in accordance with sustainability and ethical standards while cooperating with
the Bank.
The Supplier Code of Conduct set by Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye consists of comprehensive topics
such as workplace standards, health and safety, wages and working hours, freedom of unionization and collective
bargaining, freedom from forced and compulsory labor, child labor, discrimination, harassment and abuse,
compliance with the law and ensuring sustainability. These principles and standards express the ethical, social,
and environmental responsibilities of suppliers. Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye expects its suppliers to
act in full compliance with these principles and sees this as a fundamental requirement for the continuity of