Human Capital

Safe and Healthy Work Environment

In accordance with the objectives of Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye’s Integrated Management System, a risk-based approach is adopted in all processes and in the management of Quality, Environment, Occupational Health, and Safety issues to eliminate hazards and take preventive measures against incidents and accidents that may result in environmental pollution. Within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety, the Bank seeks to establish a work environment in which it is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of its employees through preventive and corrective measures.

The OHS Team organizes employee training, audits business processes, and ensures compliance with legal requirements in accordance with OHS regulations.

All occupational accidents and near-miss incidents, implementation of corrective and preventive actions, and coordination of all these are managed by the OHS Board. The Board consists of 8 members in total, including 1 work place doctor, 1 OHS Specialist, and 6 Bank personnel, and is managed by the Head of the Human Resources Management Department, who is the Chair of the Board. This Head of Department reports to the Assistant General Manager. All new recruits receive basic occupational health and safety training following orientation training provided by the authorities at the workplace. The suitability of the personnel for the job is confirmed by an entrance examination conducted by the workplace physician.

OHS Risk Assessment is a routine practice to minimize and control occupational accidents and health-related incidents. In addition, emergency scenarios have been created and are updated every year through regular drills. Emergency action plans and response teams ensure that emergencies can be responded to quickly and effectively. The OHS specialist records occupational accidents and organizes the reporting of accidents. In this way, a healthy and safe work environment can be maintained on an ongoing basis, and potential hazards can be eliminated through a risk-based approach in the workplace.

In 2022, the Bank experienced 1 occupational accident, and efforts were made to prevent them. The number of work-related fatalities, occupational diseases, or absenteeism due to accidents was recorded as zero. Within the scope of Integrated Management System activities, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and ISO 9001 Quality Management System certificates are in place and regularly renewed.

The Bank has established an Occupational Health and Safety Policy and distributed it to all stakeholders. Other targets set in the field of occupational health and safety include eliminating risk and accident factors, preventing occupational risks, protecting occupational health and safety, training and informing employees and their representatives on occupational health and safety, obtaining their opinions, and ensuring balanced participation. Another OHS objective of the Bank is to ensure that its subcontractors also comply with OHS legislation. Making compliance with occupational health and safety rules a habit for all employees is an area of focus for the Bank in creating a safe and healthy working environment.