Financial Capital
Inclusive and Strategic Financing
Operating in line with the Sustainable Development Goals,
Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye focuses on investments
that reduce external dependency, lower the current account deficit,
and increase employment. By diversifying its financing products
for the priority sectors identified in Türkiye’s development plans
and programs, the Bank supports projects with high contributions to
employment and foreign currency income potential.
TKYB facilitates access to finance to help investors grow by
promoting inclusive economic growth. By promoting productivity and
high value-added production, the Bank aims to increase our
competitiveness in international markets and reduce imports by
supporting exports. To this end, the Bank continuously improves its
financing products and services, and offers investors wider access
to finance.
Access to Finance in line with Türkiye’s Development Priorities
Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye sets its roadmap to support Türkiye’s development priorities. Accordingly, its strategic objectives were determined within the scope of the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan and approved by the Board of Directors. The Bank has three strategic objectives for development banking.
Objective 1
To diversify financing products for priority sectors with high import dependency, foreign trade deficits, high contribution to employment, and foreign currency income potential as identified in Development Plans and Programs.
Objective 2
To contribute to the sustainable growth of our country, to encourage and revitalize investments, and to provide financing with the most appropriate instruments through investment banking products as well as loans in accordance with the feasibility and cash flow of the project.
Objective 3
Supporting projects that serve the goals of transition to a net-zero economy, combating climate change, conscious production-consumption, ecosystem health, etc., in order to realize the Sustainable Development Goals; supporting sectors that enable Türkiye’s import-reducing effects within the scope of the “Growth Capital Strategy.”
* The 11th Development Plan will be implemented within the framework of the “Growth Capital” strategic plan, which includes investments in companies in the priority sectors (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, electronics, machinery-electrical equipment, automotive and rail system vehicles) and especially medium-sized companies.
Development and Investment Bank of Türkiye plays specific roles
to ensure that these sectors have easy access to finance and can
make long-term plans. The Bank has a mandate to enter into
long-term loan agreements with international financial institutions
for use in priority sectors. It also takes on an advisory role to
provide services such as technical assistance and financial
advisory that projects will need from the outset, focusing on
priority sectors. It is aimed to launch the Investment Support Loan
in 2020 and to provide financing to the priority sectors specified
in the Development Plans and Programs with the ongoing loan package.
Through the Türkiye Development Fund (TDF), Development and
Investment Bank of Türkiye provides strategic support to transform
public resources into capital investments focused on national
development. Through its sub-funds, the TDF supports sectors that
are strategically important for Türkiye’s sustainable growth while
also investing in next-generation start-ups to make a significant
contribution to the development of the start-up ecosystem.
In 2022, the Bank led two public offerings totaling 3.62 billion TL
as part of its capital markets advisory services. The TL 147
million public offering of OBASE Bilgisayar was led by the Bank
and was one of the most well-attended public offerings, with 3.78
times the demand. The Bank also led the TL 3.48 billion public
offering of Ahlatçı Doğalgaz, one of the largest public offerings
in its history.